Why Sibling Photo Shoots Are Important!

Sibling Connections

Most family’s hire a photographer quite often in the early years to capture milestones such as sitting up, walking, first birthdays, and cake smashes. So many photo shoots during those very early years, because of course we want to remember it all- every little detail. As your kids get a little older, photoshoots begin to happen less often. Most family’s hire a photographer once a year to capture their annual family photos. However, a huge part of being in a family, are sibling connections. What if family’s hired a photographer once a year for a sibling shoot as well?! Im going to give you two reasons why I think sibling photo shoots are not only adorable, but necessary.

sisters in a vw bus

Celebrate Their Relationship

If you hire a photographer just to document your kids, it says to your children, their relationship and connection with each other is important to you, and you want to document it! In the long run? They will look back and LOVE that you documented their connection, annually. Also, GUESS WHAT?! We can make it fun!! If you make it about you, the parent, they think they are doing you a favor. Make it about them, and tell them that it’s ALL about them, because you want to celebrate their sibling connection! Not only that, you can involve them as the directors of their own photo shoot. You can ask them what they want to do for their photoshoot, what they want to wear, where they want to play, and if there is a special toy/doll/truck they want to include. (This is especially great if you have kids who are a bit older, and may complain about taking photos).

vw bus child mini shoot

Remembering The Details

Parent’s, this is about you too, obviously. Ok it’s all about us, we want to remember. We want these images to hold onto, to save and look back on. We want to remember the details, the way they interact, laugh, play together. What they loved to wear, and where they loved to play, how they looked at each other. The bonus? The kids will thank you when they are adults. Not only will they thank you, they will treasure these images forever, show them to their own kids, and they will become a family heirloom.

sisters in front of a vw bus
vw bus photoshoot
vw bus kids photoshoot
Sisters snuggling
kids in a vw vintage bus
kids in a vw bus
black and white portrait of a little girl
little girl sitting in a vw bus
little girl in vw bus
black and white portrait of little girl inside of a vw bus
black and white image of little girl sitting in VW bus
little girl with blue eyes and freckles
little girl in a vw bus
little girls playing in a vw bus
children in a vw bus
little girl with green eyes in a vw bus window
portrait of a green eyed girl with freckles
girl smelling flower
cute girls in vw bus

Florals: IG shop.la.seed

VW BUS RENTAL: gypseablubus