The Three Things You MUST Remove Right Before Your Photo Shoot

It’s The Little Things!

It’s always the little things, right? Anything that distracts the eye from the subject/subjects of the photo, need to go! These little things will make a big difference in the outcome of your photos! I will share three objects that should be removed from your body before the photo shoot begins. I will also include a bonus tip, to be sure you take care of, before your photo shoot!

mother holds her toddler boy, in Malibu California

Your Watch

Item number one is your watch! Im sure you are thinking, how can this distract from the subject! Typically watches are larger, dark, and quite an eye sore. Imagine this: a photograph of just your arms wrapped around your baby, and your baby is the subject. Your baby’s head lays in your hand, and your watch is right next to your baby’s face/ear. The viewer’s eye will want to go towards the baby’s face first, but naturally, the viewer’s eye stops at the watch, then goes to the baby. A distraction breaks the connection with the viewer by pulling their eye away from the subject and story. Our brains are hard-wired to filter out distractions in a real-life scene before us, but when you take a photo, you bring the world into a 2D space. Suddenly that once innocuous watch on your wrist is screaming for attention. This disconnects the viewer from the focus of the moment. So take your watches off, or any other big and bulky jewelry.

Your Sunglasses

I can’t tell you how many sessions Iv’e begun to shoot, and about 10 minutes in, realized that someone (almost always the dad hehe) is wearing their sun glasses. I always try my best to notice these things ahead of time, but sometimes the moment is too good, Im just so caught up in capturing it, that I forget about the “little things.” So remove your sunglasses! From your eyes, shirt and top of your head! Can you find the hidden sunglasses in the photos on this blog post?

Your Cell Phone

I see you cell phone. I see you. Yeah, after the photo shoot is over, I see a rectangle shaped bulge in that back jean pocket. Once again, something I try to make sure is not there, is sometimes there! I know you want to take behind the scene shots, so bring a bag, and set it down, with everything else you should bring to your shoot. Can you find the hidden cell phone in the photos on this blog post??

Bonus Tip

This is not an object, but it’s definitely something you should remove before your photoshoot! 3……..2……..1…….Your baby’s boogers and food face ;) Your session does not include extensive touch ups, just minor. A boogy here and there, and piece of food, sure, I’ll remove those. However, if your child has a super crusted nose, or orange tinted cheeks from those sweet potatoes you just fed them, I have to charge extra for extensive editing, as this can take hours of overtime editing. Bring extra baby wipes to your session, so that we can be on top of this!! Can you find the food faced baby in this blog post??

baby brothers kissing
mom kissing her son in black and white
brothers laughing together
little boy laughing
little boy and his striped shirt and serious face
boy snuggles his mom