About South Florida Family Photographer — Brooke Logue Photography
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meet brooke

I believe in collecting moments.

I was always the one with the camera, even as a teenager. I have always had the desire to “save” what I saw. The way the light hit, the expressions and emotions, the interactions and connections, that very authentic moment in time. I wanted to share with the world what I saw. It was about collecting small moments, kind of like journaling, without the words. I have always had the urge to create and document authentically, and artistically.

I went to Dreyfoos School Of the Arts, In West Palm Beach, FL, from 7th-12th grade, where I had lots of time to hone in on my art and love for photography. When my daughter was born in 2008, my urge to “journal” through imagery grew immensely, and before I knew it, I had a brand.

Family and child photography deeply moves me. It allows me see into your world as the observer and lover of the innocence of childhood. As I witness your tiny moments through my lens, I genuinely capture the moments and connections you will always want to remember. As the light shines on your tiny moments, allow me to create artistic imagery to help you forever remember. Lets chase light and real life moments together!

AS SEEN IN: Miami Living, Harper Bazaar Kids, Milk Magazine, and Babiekins Magazine

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Want to know more?

Let's talk about the benefits of putting down your phone and getting in the picture with your kids. A year from now, you'll be glad you did this—and so will they.

What’s involved?

It's an easy, laid-back photo shoot. I'll come to your home or your favorite outdoor location, and we'll have fun! I’ll capture some posed shots and some candid! There are no rules, let me create art with your family!

What’s it cost?

My clients spend an average of $1300—and tell me it's one of the best investments they've ever made. I’m honored to be considered their photographer for life.


about you

You prioritize time with your kids over things, preferring to roll in the grass, play hide and seek, spend extra moments in a hug, and play princess for a day. You want to raise strong humans who love as fiercely as you do. Your home emanates love and you don’t sweat marks on the walls or fingerprinted windows. Your favorite things are cooking together, story time, game nights, and sofa snuggles. You value family time and know the ache of wanting to stop time to keep them just the way they are right here, right now. And that’s what the power of the photograph does for you. 

find out what a session with me is like: