Capturing Raw Emotions
I once again had another opportunity to capture a live birth, to capture live, RAW emotions. To me, it is beautiful, emotional, it's a miracle to watch. It also has so much more meaning, when you are capturing moments in time, like these, for one of your very best friends.
Max was born two months ago (thats how behind I am in blogging!!!) I almost wish I would have written this post the day I came home from this experience. There were so much more emotions and feelings inside of me the day I left that delivery room, and Im sure my blog post would have been that much more engaging and fresh. I will tell you, though, that it was an amazing experience!
The doctor (Dr. Kaufmann) was way cooler than I expected, and let me tell you! It made for a wonderful birthing photo experience! He actually "performed" for me, the photographer! He "slowly" pulled the baby out, to allow for a few photos here, and a few there. It was great (for me)! However, Mom was like, "GET THIS BABY OUT"! Then Dr. proceeded to do a placenta demonstration (yep, gross but its exactly how it sounds)! He showed us the placenta (just imagine, him holding the placenta in the air, turning it inside out, and pointing to different parts!!!) showing us where fluid and baby sits for 9 months :) I would post a picture, but Im pretty sure, you all would never return to my blog again! Ha!
So baby Max came into this world, and we all cried, full of happiness. When I am photographing births, I am very shaky, due to my emotions overcoming me. It was truly a miracle to watch, as all births are (I think). The fact that one minute this little baby boy was all curled up inside a placenta in the tummy, and then the next minute, he is exposed to this huge, loud, bright world, and a family that loves him so very much! Welcome to the world Max Ryan! You sure are a beautiful boy, and I look forward to watching you grow up!
This is how Dr. K made his entrance into the delivery room....Yup, he is mocking the photographer ;) me!amazing shot right here.
If you notice, Doc is smiling. At this moment, he took the baby's hand a waved it to Mom, as he was pulling baby out ;)