ROCK THE SHOT 'Spring' Photo Contest Submission

     I have been a member of Rock the Shot for about a year now (If your not a member, you should become one- LOTS of useful tools for photographers),  and have never entered my images into their contests before. When I saw the theme "spring," this image, which I coincidentally shot last week, immediately came to mind. The flower bokeh, pretty dress and socks, and a sweet little chicky, all remind me of the beautiful spring time. So here goes my entry ;) I shot this image during sunset hours, right after a rainfall, so my daughter's hair was wet and frizzy, the ground was damp and smelled like fresh rained on grass. It was shot using a 50mm, 1.4, 1/250th. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ;) Thanks for the opportunity, ROCK THE SHOT!

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